Monday, December 12, 2011
Man's Greatest Invention
Friday, November 18, 2011
So Close Yet So Far
"If you are friends with your father, you have a friend for life."
Thursday, November 10, 2011
It was half past eight in the morning. The Delhi Metro was standing still midway with the notifications about the delay going on. A man in his sixties was sitting in front of me. He was well dressed and had a glowing face, beaming with joy. Looking at his watch again and again, counting the number of stations left and then eagerly looking outside to check if the train started moving, he was getting very impatient. With every passing moment, he was getting a bit disappointed. Observing him for the last five minutes, I decided to strike a conversation with him.
"You seem to be in a hurry. Have you got an appointment with some doctor?", I enquired noticing the envelope of a hospital in his hand. "No. I have to take breakfast with my wife. She is admitted to a nearby hospital.", he replied.
"Ah, I see. How is she now? What happened to her?" This came entirely out of excitement.
"She is suffering from Alzheimer and has been admitted to the hospital for a long time. We always take our breakfast together", he replied with the same calmness.
I asked again,"Would she get angry with you if you got a bit late?"
"No." He took a long breath and continued. "Due to the disease she has completely forgotten about me and has not even identified me for the last five years."
I got a bit surprised. "You go to have breakfast with her daily even though she cannot recognize your presence!!!"
This time he smiled and replied,"She might not remember who I am but I know who She is."
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
There was still some time left for the decided time. Suddenly, his mobile beeped. He checked. It was a message from her. "I won't be able to come."
He didn't utter a single word. He didn't know how to react. Maybe, he never expected that a surprise might be waiting for him also. He looked around himself. There was a small girl begging for food. He went to her and gave the flowers, chocolates and the gift to her. She jumped with joy and her face split into a wide smile. She ran away and gradually faded into the crowd. So did his ambitions. A smile crossed his face and he turned back to what seemed to be an endless journey.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Life with an Angel - II
I looked at her. She had nothing but a beaming glow and an irresistible charm on her face. She had been quite happy for the last few days and that was also reflected in her eyes. The reason: The news of a couple of long wishes getting fulfilled on a single day. She was an altogether different person that day; ecstatic, elated and joyful. Being aware of the wishes, I knew what they meant to her. They were the only things she had been wishing for years. Before you exercise your brain to guess them, I’d like to disclose that they were very close to her heart but not at all directly related to her. And this was one thing I absolutely loved about her: selflessly wishing and caring for the people around her. No matter what others’ thought of her, she’d always be happy to help them with a smile.
Talking of her smile, she had an infectious one. I’ve talked about it previously and still I can go on talking about it. Every time she is with me and smiles, I feel weak at the knees. It’s like an arrow being shot through my heart. Catching a glimpse of her smile is an overwhelming feeling which cannot be described in words; a moment I always look forward to. Recently she had shared a few images of her childhood and they were absolutely adorable. And it made me regret why I didn’t meet her earlier.
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Angel |
Talking to her previous night it came to my mind that life isn’t simple; it’s complicated and so is love. If we try to hide the love in our life, it makes the things more complex. Therefore, I decided to make my life a little less complex. I hope I’ll be able to make it happen. Wish me luck. :)
That’s all for now.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Reality: The Worst Game Ever!!

The blessing sun rays coming from my window pane woke me up. It was a usual summer morning. A gulmohar tree with vibrant red flowers occupied the entire frame of the window. I had an excellent sleep through the night and the entire scene outside made it a jubilant morning. I was still lying in the bed looking for my phone. The calendar told me it was 25th July 2011. Suddenly, something hit me.
25th July 2011. A day I had been waiting for so long. A day I wanted to come at the earliest. A day which could decide the future of my life. And it was here. There was nothing different yet it had changed many things. Dreams were shattered. Expectations broken. Hope lost. The foundations of my first ever plan for life had just crashed. Everything that I did to reach here, every single moment I spent thinking about it and the hours I spent preparing for it. Everything went in vain. I didn't know whether it was the end of beginning or beginning of the end. Welcome to reality, I told myself.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Life with an Angel - I
Saturday, July 2, 2011
"..and Raja Dushyant fell in love with Shakuntala, at the very first sight."
"Just a look and.. How silly!! How something like this could happen?” said the girl while running fingers through her golden locks. "Love at first sight, is all about materialistic beauty, only physical attraction. No matter how ugly the soul is. Isn't it?"
The guy hesitated a bit and averted his eyes from the cute blue eyes on her fair pink face. Outside, it was raining continuously. Temperature had taken a slide down, cold winds were blowing and the crowd in the restaurant had begun to grow.
I was sitting on the table just left to them sipping a hot coffee while enjoying the weather outside and waiting for my Angel. Their conversation was proving to be quite a great entertainer.
The girl seemed to a European from her color, hairs, attire and accent. Like the many other foreign visitors, she was showing a great interest in the Indian culture. The guy was a complete Indian. His clothing and free-flowing English were speaking of him being educated and cultured.
It seemed as if the guy was not in a mood to give up. Gazing at the green nail color on her soft fingers, he said, "We Indians are very imaginative, still you'll find love as a reality in almost every form of our art. I am not lying. Sometimes just a look is enough for you to know the other person.."
".. and sometimes even an entire lifetime seems to be short.", the girl completed her sentence with a mischievous smile. “For me, life is like a detective novel. The suspense is maintained till the last page. We get to know something about the other person every day. Sometimes it gives us utter happiness, sometimes a pleasant surprise and sometimes a bit of sadness."
"No, it's not like that.", said the guy as he took the last sip from his cup of coffee. "When you love someone unconditionally, you accept him/her with all the traits, be it good or bad."
The girl smiled a bit. "You are very emotional. I thought such characters existed only in the form of heroes in Bollywood flicks. But after meeting you.."
"Every second Indian is emotional. We care about the relations very much. We believe in "We" rather than "I". It becomes our duty to keep the person we love always happy. No matter what happens, we keep the relation intact. We can go to any extent to keep a relation going."
The girl got a bit serious. "But that is compromise and you cannot live your entire life on compromises."
"Yes, it is compromise. But life cannot be life without compromises. Compromises teach us patience, sacrifice and discipline. Some mistakes, some misunderstandings, getting a bit angry and then coaxing add a new exciting flavor to love. Life is like a Christmas party. Sweet like a pudding, spicy like soup, salty like sauce and bitter like alcohol." A gentle smile ran across the guy's face as he said this.
"You are very interesting as well." Every pair of eyes in the restaurant turned towards her as she laughed, this time a bit loud.
It was still raining outside. A guy and a girl were enjoying in the rain while the people standing there saw them in amazement as if no one had ever got wet in the rains before.
"Would you like to spend your day with me tomorrow?", asked the guy out of nowhere. "I'll take you to the Indian Art and Culture Center and afterwards, we'll have dinner at a nice place.
"Hmm.. Yes! Yes! Why not?”, the girl said after a little thought. "I am free tomorrow."
".. but I...”, said the guy a bit hesitatingly, "I am a pure vegetarian and you just told me that you liked non-vegetarian food only."
"Ah!! Doesn't matter. Tomorrow I'd like to enjoy pure spicy vegetarian food of your choice with you."
The girl had just made a new compromise with a smile and may be she didn't even realize it.
The rain had stopped outside but the Sun was still hiding among the clouds. Just then, my Angel arrived. Air traversed through her open hairs and drops of water were dripping down her face. Wishing luck to the guy and the girl for successfully climbing the first rung of the ladder of compromise in their life, I shifted my attention to where it should be, towards my Angel.. :)
P.S. This post is based on a story by an unknown writer which I read in some magazine.
P.S. I had an amazing weekend. Almost everything I could ask for. :D
Monday, June 20, 2011
The Angel of my life!!
It is not that she was always like that. She had her own low points in life but she handled them very efficiently, on her own. She was one soul who believed in "enjoying alone", be it the happy moments or the sad ones. No matter, how much she cared for others, when it came to her, she was just the opposite. She tried to hide her every single pain behind her pleasing smile. But her eyes and her voice revealed it all and then she would break down. But that happened rarely, very rarely.
Time passed and things changed, for the better. It had been almost a year of this special bond. I could feel my increasing fondness for her and she started sharing more of her life. I loved every moment of it. But someone did not love it all. And one day, everything came crashing down. It hurt, badly. I decided to walk out of her life, forever. But she didn't seem to agree with me and I could not resist, finally succumbing to her requests to change my "decision".
It was all back to normal. We spent some quality time together. A single glance of her seemed to make my entire day. It filled me with utter joy and happiness. It was an amazing feeling to be with her, to spend time with her, to talk to her, to fight with her and sometimes just to sit in front of her and gaze into her eyes. Her presence was a delight and her absence created a void which only she could fill.
But as they say, the world is round because of misunderstanding. They are bound to creep in to any relationship and unfortunately, that marks the beginning of the end. However, I was lucky that when I had to face it, she was kind enough to listen to me patiently and clear every bit of it. Later, I realized that it was my fault and in spite of the fact that she was not answerable to me, she had told me everything. This was not the first time she had stated her true self, but it was in no way, same as the earlier revelations. This was a sudden change. But as long as the change is positive, who cares for the reason. At least, I didn't. All said and done, it was one of the most transforming phases of the entire period of knowing her.
Today, when I walk beside her, I feel the true sense of being complete. She has changed a lot but she is still the same. Sometimes, she spills her heart out and sometimes, she hides even the minutest things. I feel I know her, but then she displays yet another new aspect of her personality and I feel I would never be able to know her completely.
I always feel, life is all about 'A': awesome, awful and awkward. But, truly speaking, the reason was her. Life started with an 'A' and ended with 'A'.
She was my strength, my happiness and the light of my life. I thank her for being one of the best parts of my life. There is nothing that can compare what she is to me. She "is" definitely the Angel of my life. The Imperfect Angel!! :)
Monday, June 6, 2011
Updates from Life
It’s holiday time. Few things in the last few days kept me away from the keyboard and unfortunately, they still persist. So, this time, just a quick update of my life in the past weeks.
First of all, I got something to do. It was a great relief as I was bored of doing “nothing”. I got a two-month internship at Samsung India Electricals Pvt. Ltd. Nice workplace, great work to do, doing what I like and a handsome amount of stipend.. :D The only thing I miss is free Internet. :-/
Secondly, my Internet at home is broken. MTNL sucks big time. In spite of the repeated complaints, the condition is still the same after a week.
The combination of first and second component led to a major change in me. Going to bed early and getting up early in the morning. Don’t know whether a good thing or bad, I just hope this habit goes away once I get back to college life. :P
Apart from these, I travelled a lot in the last few days. Overcrowded buses, dusty roads and the scorching Sun gave me some unforgettable experiences. And how can I forget the good old hindi romantic music played. Tracks from “Dhadkan” and “Raaz” still seem to the favorites. :P
Apart from this, I saw more than one crore INR cash for the first time in my life. The best thing was that the guy was carrying the notes in a fertilizer bag on a bicycle!!! Land has surely brought fast money for few!!
Last but not the least, I just discovered a loophole in the office Internet and hence this post. :D
Thursday, May 19, 2011
No Honor in Killing!!!
“I found a very nice girl, took time to know her completely and then introduced her to my parents, asking them to get me married with her. They refused. The reason: she belonged to a different religion. I was helpless. I again went around, found another girl and introduced her to my parents. They refused this time too, saying that she belonged to a different community. I was helpless. Unwillingly, I went around with another girl for 3 months, but unfortunately my parents objected again. The reason this time: she belonged to a different caste. I was broken but did not lose hope and found another beautiful girl, who was perfect housewife material. Luckily, she belonged to our religion, community and caste too. But again, my parents disagreed with my choice, citing the reason that she is from our gotra and we don’t endorse such marriages because of the fear of honor killings.”
Monday, May 16, 2011
Road Blocked!!!
The jams today left me with a question with in mind: "Whom do the roads belong to?". What veins are to the body, roads are to a nation. They are supposed to be used by the people for movement. But, unfortunately, they are blocked by the political parties to protest a step taken by the government, by the religious bodies to organize rallies and "juloos" and sometimes by the "baraats".
Why don't the political parties understand that by blocking the roads they are not supporting the general public against the hike, but creating troubles for them. Such roadblocks not only lead to people reaching late to work or students getting late for their exams, but also leave the patients needing immediate attention stuck in jam, sometimes leading to even loss of life.
I see these roadblocks and shutdowns as a denial-of-service attack. The reason: That's for you to figure out.
Taalon ka latakna, rally ki bahaar,
Bus ko aag lagana, maar peet ke samachaar,
Road block karna, aam logon par atyaachaar,
Mubarak ho aapko "Bharat Bandh" ka tyohaar... :P
On that note, that's all for this post. :)
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Product of a Bored Mind

Another semester is over. Sixth of the total eight that I need to pass to get my degree. It was no different from its predecessors: the same workload and the same poor grades. Well, I don't want to discuss about the past mishappenings. :P
Now, I get a three months well deserved break. Wow!! Seems great?? Well, no. After the toll taking semester, it becomes very difficult to come back to normal mode. So, even in the break, it was waking up till late nights, doing nothing and getting bored. Twitter came to my rescue, but only till a particular limit.
Eventually, after getting bored of getting bored, I decided to do something. Hence, this blog. I have no clue about what I'll post. But with some awesome people around me, I am sure I'll definitely find something to write about.
That's all for now. :)